Meet The Founder

Born in Jerusalem, raised and educated in London. Natanel returned to Israel in 2015 where he spent two years studying Torah and spirituality in the Old City of Jerusalem. Passionate about the land of Israel, Natanel decided to draft into the IDF where he served as a combat soldier in the Kfir Brigade. During his army service he faced some difficult challenges as a lone soldier living far away from his family. In an effort to elevate his mood, he began to search for a healthier lifestyle, which ultimately lead him to discover the power of food, clean eating and plant based nutrition. The results were clear and in a very short time he saw firsthand how eating well, amongst other self care practices gave him more energy and helped keep him focused. He became obsessed with the results healthy food had on his overall mood and wellbeing! Each time he was able to leave the army, he armed himself with as much healthy food as he could carry in his backpack. Now he is on a mission to educate as many people as possible about the health benefits of eating the right foods.
Today he spends most of his day studying an undergraduate degree in Visual Communications at Bezalel where he hopes to bridge the gap between design and entrepreneurship. In the evenings he works on his business, Holy Tempeh producing in a small factory and selling his delicious nutritious Fresh Artisan Tempeh to as many people around Israel as possible and sharing his passion for helping people eat a more healthy plant based diet.